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FOI requests responded to between May 2016 - May 2017

Below are a selection of responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act between 1st May 2016 and 31st May 2017.




5 May 2017 - Expenses / costs - response

Please could you outlay the actual annual salary budgeted for the deputy to the D&C Police and Crime commissioner position.

5 April 2017 - Expenses / costs - response

Please could you inform me of:

  1. The total amount earmarked from the PCC’s budget (and force’s if applicable) for 2017/18 to pay for PFI and/or PF2 -projects/schemes/liabilities?
  2. Which individual schemes these are and how much each cost in 2017/18?
  3. The total amounts for 2016/17 and 2015/16?

31 March 2017 - Expenses / costs - response

Please could you inform me of:

  1. The force’s expenditure on legally qualified chairmen for disciplinary hearings in 2015/16.
  2. The force’s expenditure on legally qualified chairmen for disciplinary hearings in 2016/17.

21 February 2017 - Expenses / costs - response

Please could you inform me, during the period from 01/01/96 to 01/01/02 and 02/01/96 to 11/03/11:- If at any one time was the payment of monthly wages to Devon and Cornwall Constabulary paid by Commercial Means such as a Private Company.

 E.g. South West Water.

This may have been printed on the Officers of Devon and Cornwall Constabulary Wage slips.

25 October 2016 - Expenses/ costs - response

Please could you inform me, during the periods of;

  1. 2007 to 2008 Financial Year
  2. 2008 to 2011 Financial Years
  3. 2011 to 2013 Financial Years

Who paid the;

  1. Wages
  2. Finances
  3. Utilities

Of the Devon and Cornwall Police Constabulary?

6 October 2016 - Expenses/ Costs - response

  1. Please provide details of expenditure on software for the years 2014/15 and 2015/16 broken down by software supplier.
  2. Please provide details of expenditure on perpetual software licences for the years 2014/15 and 2015/16 broken down by software supplier.
  3. Please provide details of software contracts due to expire before 31st December 2017, broken down by supplier and date

10 August 2016 - Expenses / Costs - response

Please advise what, if any, transparency requirements you require of the police in your area or that you are planning to require. Please include any transparency requirements for the pay, expenses and allowances for the chief constable and other senior officers.

9 August 2016 - Expenses / Costs - response

  1. Does the Chief Constable (and other Chief Police Officers in your force / constabulary) have a contract with the Police and Crime Commissioner / Police Authority or equivalent?
  2. If yes – what specific contractual matters are detailed therein (for each chief officer)?
  3. If unwilling to identify the specific contractual terms therein, please provide details of the broad terms and conditions detailed therein for each chief officer (for example does the contract provide for private medical insurance / “golden hello” payments or other inducements)
  4. Details of any payments, reimbursements or allowances paid or made to each of your chief officers, other than those explicitly permitted in police regulations.
  5. Details of any statutory authority that permits the Police and Crime Commissioner / Police Authority or equivalent to enter into any contracts as detailed in this request, with chief officers.
  6. Please provide all details for the past 5 years.

4 August 2016 - Expenses / Costs - response 

  1. Please could you tell how much money the PCC has spent on crime and disorder reduction grants.
  2. Could you break this down by financial year, for this year and the past 3 calendar years, and what organizations the money went to.
  3. Please could you tell how much money the PCC has spent on crime his crime prevention funding?
  4. Could you break this down by financial year, for this year and the past 3 calendar years, and what organizations the money went to.

20 May 2016 - Expenses / Costs - response

As per the PCC ESMCP commitment announcement on the 19th May, stating Devon and Cornwall PCC is contributing £966,000 as part of a £2.8m regional programme. Please can you provide a breakdown on what this money is being spent on. i.e. project management, devices, vehicle installation designs, vehicle installations and any other categories. Please can you also state where this money is being funded from. For example, is this a government grant, local tax payers, police force reserves, PCC budget, Home Office funding, etc.

4 May 2016 - Expenses / Costs - response

  1. How many OPCC staff have been made redundant, dismissed or taken voluntary exit between November 2012 and April 2016?
  2. What is the total amount given to them in voluntary exit payments, redundancy pay, severance payments, lump sums, payments in lieu of notice, compensation awards and pension payments?
  3. What was the single highest payment?
  4. How many of them signed confidentiality or ‘gagging’ clauses as part of compromise agreements when they left?


4 February 2017 and 6 February 2017 - Miscellaneous - response

  1. How many times in 2016 your respective police forces attended "illegal hunts using dogs"?
  2. How many arrests, charges, cautions and prosecutions were made by your respective police forces? Could this information be sorted into pro hunt and anti hunt cases please
  3. How many complaints were made to your respective police forces alleging assault and intimidation and by whom (pro hunt/anti hunt)?
  4. How many of the complaints from 3. above resulted in your police officers "refusing" to take the correct and appropriate action
  5. What is your official policy on policing "illegal hunts using dogs"?.

And in a further related request:

  1. What is the official policy of the PCC on their individual police forces FAILING to police   illegal hunts properly and take appropriate action when informed of and presented with evidence of assault and intimidation?
  2. If the PCC does not hold the information requested in my original email, does it hold ANY information on ANY subject relating to the performance of their individual police forces? If so, could I please have details of the type of information held.

4 November 2016 - Miscellaneous - response

  1. What work is the Office for the PCC undertaking to monitor the implementation and uptake of the Community Remedy?
  2. Are there currently any plans to revise your Community Remedy document?
  3. How have you publicised the Community Remedy to the general public?

27 September 2016 - Miscellaneous - response

Please could you send me the list of the police forces involved in the investigations of the 2015 general election expenses alleged frauds and the MP’s under investigation.  Would you know the likely timescale for the results of the investigations to be known?  If you do not know the answers to these questions please could you put me in touch with the department or person that can help me?

19 May 2016 - Miscellaneous - response

The total number of letters, calls, emails, social media messages, or any other forms of communication, received by you, expressing concern about, or opposition to, the election of the new police and crime commissioner, Alison Hernandez, when she may be under police investigation for an alleged failure to declare expenses during last year’s general election campaign.

A breakdown of the number in each category, i.e. the number of calls, emails, letters etc received would also be helpful. 

Public engagement



22 February 2017 - Victims - response

For each question apart from Question 7, please provide information broken down into the following categories:

  • Your commissioned services for women experiencing domestic violence and abuse
  • Your commissioned services for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse
  • Your commissioned services which are for either women or men experiencing domestic violence and abuse
  • Your commissioned services for groups with specific needs such as BME women, disabled women, and LGBTQ survivors experiencing domestic violence and abuse
  1. What is the value of your commissioned services, and has this amount increased or decreased since it was last commissioned?
  2. Which organisation or organisations currently hold the contract for your commissioned services? When are these services due to be recommissioned? Please include dates of then tender documents will be available.
  3. When your services were commissioned, was an Equality Impact Assessment carried out? Has your procurement team or legal advisors ensured that your decisions were compliant with both the EU Procurement Directive and the EU Directive on Victim’s Rights?
  4. How many expressions of interest did you receive and how many final bids did you receive?
  5. How much did the commissioning process cost you?
  6. Was the decision to commission your services made as part of a Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy?
  7. Mapping of provision:
  • Did you undertake mapping of service provision as part of the commissioning protect for domestic violence and abuse?
  • If yes, please list details of the domestic violence service providers in your local authority that are NOT commissioned by the local authority following categories: (i) services for women experiencing domestic violence and abuse (ii) services for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse; (iii) women or men experiencing domestic violence and abuse (iv) BME women, disabled women, and LGBTQ survivors experiencing domestic violence and abuse.