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Open and Transparent Quality Mark 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20
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What the PCC scrutinises

The OPCC has a small staff and the resources the PCC has available to scrutinise the Chief Constable are limited.

The PCC will identify priority themes, issues, and areas of policing for scrutiny inquiry through their day-to-day work with the police force, engagement with the public, and through wider networks.

Areas for scrutiny inquiry will usually have been brought to the attention of the PCC through one or more of the following ways:

  • High levels of concern about an issue from local people
  • HMICFRS inspections or force performance reports have highlighted concerns about the performance of the police in a particular area
  • ‘Deep dive’ investigations into Police and Crime Plan priority areas.
  • Where there have been significant or unexplained changes in reported crime or other incidents managed by the police
  • New government guidance or legislation is expected to significantly impact an area of policing or crime
  • The Chief Constable has suggested that a theme, issue or area of policing would significantly benefits from more detailed scrutiny

You can find out more detail about what topics the PCC scrutinises in the Scrutiny Framework.

You can find more about our scrutiny activity in scrutiny meetings and documents.