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Register of complaints against the PCC

The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 created a number of provisions which change the way that police complaints are handled and processed.

Under this legislation the role of the Police and Crime Panel has been created for the purpose of scrutinising the PCC and this will include setting up complaints handling arrangements for complaints against the PCC.
A register of complaints against the Police and Crime Commissioner since her election can be found here.

Referrals to the Independent Police Complaints Commission
The police and crime panel must refer the following to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC):

  • all recorded conduct matters;
  • all serious complaints (i.e. a complaint which constitutes or involves, or appears to constitute or involve, the commission of a criminal offence); and,
  • any serious complaint or conduct matter where the IPCC has notified the panel that it requires the matter to be referred.
The IPCC will decide whether or not it is necessary for the complaint or conduct matter to be investigated.  If the IPCC decides a complaint does not need to be investigated, it will refer the complaint back to the panel to be dealt with.

Informal resolution
The chairman of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) has requested that the chief executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) undertakes initial handling and recording of complaints against the PCC.