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Charities' chance to cash in on criminals' loot

Grant applications from community and voluntary groups in Devon are now invited for a share of £25,000 recovered under the Police Property Act fund.

Charities' chance to cash in on criminals' loot

Could the Property Act fund help clean up graffiti in your area?

Through a new scheme Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez will distribute a pot of cash built up when police sell on items which have come into their possession and cannot be returned to owners, including items seized from criminals.

“As we come out of Covid related restrictions I am hearing community concerns about ASB and how it affects people’s day-to-day lives,” said Commissioner Hernandez.

“While for some people this may not be a big concern, for many it affects their quality of life each and every day and I want everyone to feel safe in the areas where they live, work and play.

“This scheme will help smaller communities get initiatives and schemes off the ground that will tackle the ASB problems they are experiencing. 

“The best solutions are locally led.

“The focus of the fund is on those incidents of ASB which link closely to community safety and crime.”

Applications are now invited from groups to support projects which will help communities recover from the coronavirus pandemic AND have a specific focus on antisocial behaviour (ASB).

Grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 are available.

Applications must come from charitable organisations – organisations such as schools and parish or town councils should only apply if they have a charitable arm.

Applications are now being invited for consideration and will be accepted up until 12 noon on Monday 13 September.

The scheme is being administered by Devon Community Foundation.

Applicants will find all they need to bid for the money here:

Anyone unable to access the guidance and application form online, please contact Devon Community Foundation on 01884 235887 to discuss alternative options.

This scheme is additional to the to the OPCC’s Community Grants scheme for those seeking short-term funding for projects and initiatives that aim to prevent and deter crime. This can be accessed here: