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Commissioner pays tribute to officers staff and volunteers working over festive period

DEVON and Cornwall’s Police and Crime Commissioner has praised hard-working emergency services officers, staff and volunteers who will be serving their community over the festive period.

Commissioner pays tribute to officers staff and volunteers working over festive period

Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, said: “While Christmas for most people is an opportunity to kick back and relax with friends and family, for frontline police officers, staff and volunteers it can be one of the more challenging times of year.

“I want to pay tribute to those men and women who during this period will be making difficult decisions in our communities with public safety and service at the forefront of their minds. They have made, and continue to make, bold and brave choices with integrity for the benefit of those we serve.

“It has not been an easy year for policing but I can think of countless examples when such personal leadership has protected law abiding members of society and put those who threaten our safety and security behind bars. Often this work occurs outside the public eye and does not attract the attention it deserves.

“The new year will herald a new era for Devon and Cornwall Police, when Will Kerr OBE becomes the force’s new Chief Constable. I look forward to his contribution to building safer, more connected and more resilient communities but am mindful of the incredible efforts that officers, staff and volunteers have made to that end in the past 12 months.”

To get in touch with the police in a non emergency call 101, webchat or complete the online form at In an emergency or if a crime is in progress dial 999.

Victims of crime can access practical and emotional help and advice from Victim Support's 24/7 support line 08 08 16 89 111 or via their live chat service at

Commissioner is asking the public to tell her what policing issues they most want tackling where they live. To fill in the survey visit