The Call for Evidence, published today, sets out some of the current challenges facing our road network and the people and businesses using it, seeks evidence of the impact of enforcement both by the police and other agencies on road user behaviour, what that enforcement should look like and whether the current laws are fit for the future.
“In 2018, the last year for which official statistics are available, 59 people lost their lives on the roads in Devon and Cornwall with nearly 800 seriously injured. Even during lockdown, 21 people lost their lives on our roads*, despite greatly reduced traffic volumes. It is clear that we need to look at the impact of enforcement on road user behaviour, what that enforcement should look like and whether the current laws are fit for the future.”
“Road safety is one of the public’s top priorities and quite rightly so. My mailbag is inundated with people expressing frustration at speeding in their community and wanting more action to be taken against drink/drug driving and people using mobile phones at the wheel. Often the public have great ideas on what can be done to improve road safety but sometimes these get tied up in bureaucracy or require changes in regulation to allow them to go ahead. I am pleased the public now have the opportunity to submit their ideas for improvements directly to Government.
“Much has changed in recent years with technology advances in cars, more people cycling and walking and changes to how we go about our daily lives. Enforcing the rules of the road is not solely down to the police. Community safety is always a collective effort. It is important to understand how all agencies charged with keeping our roads safe can work more effectively together to cut the number of fatalities and serious injuries.”
“I would strongly encourage those with an interest in improving the safety of our roads for all people to participate in this Call for Evidence which is open until 5th October 2020.”
I would invite anyone submitting a response to also send a copy to my office at"
* figures for 1st March to 21st June 2020