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Prime Minister praises Alison Hernandez for doing 'the right thing' with Councillor Advocates scheme

He made his comments during Prime Minister's Questions this afternoon

Prime Minister praises Alison Hernandez for doing 'the right thing' with Councillor Advocates scheme

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he is a ‘big fan’ of Devon and Cornwall’s Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez while praising an innovative scheme which she has pioneered.

Speaking during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons this afternoon, Mr Johnson said Commissioner Hernandez had done ‘absolutely the right thing’ by introducing the Councillor Advocate scheme in the South West.

He made his comments after a question from Anthony Mangnall, Conservative MP for Totnes, who asked if the Prime Minister would commit to supporting such schemes.

Councillor Advocates volunteer from each council in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly who have a desire to act as a positive and proactive communication conduit between the police, the commissioner and the public.

Every quarter, councillor advocates for each policing area meet with a representative from Devon and Cornwall Police, a Community Safety Partnership (CSP) representative and a police and crime commissioner community engagement officer.

These meetings allow councillor advocates to raise issues on behalf of their council’s communities while also giving the police and opportunity to update councillors on relevant information or to request support with a specific issue.

Members are also invited to attend regular exclusive events to gain a greater understanding of policing and how to help keep their communities safe.  Previous talks have been given by firearms officers and operators from the police’s drone team.

For more information about the Councillor Advocate scheme in Devon and Cornwall, or to get involved, visit: