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What is the ASB case review process (formerly Community Trigger) and do I qualify?

The ASB case review is a legal tool introduced by the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 which seeks to support those that have been impacted by persistent ASB and have already reported these events to the relevant local agencies (i.e. Devon & Cornwall Police, their local authority, a clinical commissioning group and/or a registered housing provider (social landlord). An ASB case review will be undertaken by partner agencies, who will review action that has been previously undertaken to address the ASB and decide on whether there are additional actions that can be taken to resolve the issue/s in question. 

Further details on how the review is carried out can be found at:

Procedure for escalating the ASB Case Review to the Police & Crime Commissioner

You may either apply for an ASB case review via your local authority or Devon & Cornwall Police.  

Alternatively, you may apply by contacting Devon & Cornwall Police. The request will be forwarded to the ASB case review manager for your area.