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I am a victim of drug-related crime. How can I access support?

The Commissioner is responsible for providing a full range of support services for victims throughout Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. She is committed to equipping local communities with the tools and confidence to report drug-related incidents and seek help.  

To access victim support, please find relevant information at:  

Victim Care Devon and Cornwall 

Or call the Victim Care Unit at: 01392 475900 

Under the Victims Code of Practice (introduced under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004) victims of crime are entitled to a certain level of service support provided by all criminal justice agencies. Details of your rights under the Victim Code can be found at:  

Information for victims of crimes in Devon and Cornwall · Devon & Cornwall Police & Crime Commissioner ( 

Accessing support is not dependent on whether a victim has reported the incident to relevant authorities. However, reports help us improve intelligence around drug activity across the peninsula.  

The Devon & Cornwall Police website contains information on how to report crime or pass information to the force. 

If someone is in danger or immediate action is required to save lives, stop injury or catch criminals call 999 immediately.  

Alternatively, you may report anonymously to Crimestoppers at  Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers ( or by calling 0800 555 111