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Police complaints and conduct performance

Below you can find information about how the PCC has fulfilled their duty to hold the Chief Constable to account for the handling of complaints, and information about how the Force have performed in relation to their handling of complaints:

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall annual assessment of police complaint and conduct performance for 2022/23.

Chief Constable's resonse to the Police and Crime Commissioner's annual assessment of police complaint and conduct performance for 2022/23. 

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall annual assessment of the Police and Crime Commissioner's complaint review function performance for 2022/23

Independent office for police complaints annual reports

Independent office for police complaints statistics for England and Wales report 2022/23

Independent office for police conduct statistics bulletins for Devon and Cornwall Police

Independent Office for Police Conduct complaint data for Devon and Cornwall Police

Independent office for police conduct investigation reports learning the lessons library

Independent office for police conduct investigation reports

Independent office for police conduct investigation summaries, learning recommendations and responses

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