Police and Crime Panel
The Police and Crime Panel supports and challenges the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). The panel has the power to request reports and call the PCC to attend its meetings.
PCCs must be able to demonstrate that the decisions they make, and the way they make them are good. The PCC’s work and decisions are scrutinised publicly at a Police and Crime Panel.
PCC’s are not accountable to panels, instead they are directly accountable to the public.
The Police and Crime Panel is a group of Elected Members and two independent individuals from across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly who have the job to scrutinise the actions and decisions of the PCC. The Police and Crime Panel is completely separate to the Chief Constable, Devon and Cornwall Police, the PCC and the Office of the PCC. The Panel is hosted by Plymouth City Council.
The Police and Crime Panel can:
- review the draft police and crime plan and make suggestions about it
- receive and scrutinise the PCC’s annual report
- review the PCC’s plan for the proposed precept (the council tax that will be used to fund the police service) veto (i.e. reject) the proposed precept
- review who the PCC is suggesting to be the Chief Constable veto the proposed Chief Constable
- review who the PCC is suggesting to be their chief executive, chief finance officer and any deputy police and crime commissioner that they seek to appoint
The Police and Crime Panel can also receive and record complaints made against the PCC.
Police and Crime Panel Papers
You can find all Police and Crime Panel's meeting agendas and papers on the Police and Crime Panel's website.
Watch the Police and Crime Panel live
Each Police and Crime Panel is webcast live on Plymouth City Council's website. You can watch the live webcast here when it is available).
Ask a question at the Police and Crime Panel
Police and Crime Panel meetings are open to the public (except where confidential or exempt information is likely to be discussed). The public can ask questions at each meeting that are relevant to the Panel's functions. If you would like to ask a question you can find out how on the Plymouth City Council website
Speak with your Police and Crime Panel representative
The Police and Crime Panel is a group of Elected Members and two independent individuals from across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly who have the job to scrutinise the actions and decisions of the PCC. You can find out which panel member is responsible for the area in which you live on the Police and Crime Panel’s website.