Performance and delivery
You can find further details about the PCC's plan for commissioning in the annual Commissioning Intentions Plan.
Delivery of the Police and Crime Plan
The Police and Crime Commissioner and OPCC remain committed to delivering 'safe, resilient and connected communities' through the PCC's priorities Violence, Antisocial Behaviour, Drugs, Road Safety and Victim Services set within the Police and Crime Plan. Continued focus and effort will take place during 2021-25 to deliver the plan to the communities of Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Project case studies
The PCC has taken forward a number of innovative projects within the OPCC in order to deliver upon the priorities set within the Police and Crime Plan.
The PCC will continue to drive innovation, best practice and seek the optimum use of public sector resources to meet the needs of the communities of Devon and Cornwall.
A section of our case studies can be found below. If you would like to find out further information about these initiatives please get in touch with the OPCC.