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Police Commissioner pays tribute to departing Chief Constable

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall has thanked Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer QPM for his service, after he announced plans to leave the post.

Police Commissioner pays tribute to departing Chief Constable

Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer QPM and Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez

Mr Sawyer has led the force since 2012, and before that served as Deputy Chief Constable.

During his tenure the force has been consistently one of the lowest crime areas in the country and is on target to reach record officer numbers.

Alison Hernandez said: “I would like to thank the Chief Constable for his years of exceptional service, for his support in delivering the strategic aims of my police and crime plan and for his unrelenting focus on delivering a world class police force.

“Devon and Cornwall is the largest policing area in England, our communities might enjoy low crime rates but they face many unique problems. The Chief Constable has understood those challenges and led a number of changes to create a force that is in good shape to rise to them.

“I wish him good fortune for the future.”

In a statement today the Chief Constable said his intention would be to leave the role this summer.

The Commissioner will now begin the process of recruiting his successor.