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What actions is the Police and Crime Commissioner taking to address antisocial behaviour?

This is a major area of focus for the Commissioner, who has prioritised antisocial behaviour for her term of office. In fact, ASB is one of the key priority areas within her Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025: Police and Crime Plan 2021-25 

A range of actions are being supported by the Commissioner to help address ASB. These include working with partners to prevent ASB, encouraging the public to report ASB and providing them with help and support and enhancing policing response. 

For instance, we are recruiting additional police officers all the time and increasing focus on high visibility policing. Locally funded recruitment coupled with a central Government funded uplift means that in 2022/23 Devon and Cornwall police will hit record officer numbers of 3,610. 

In addition, in collaboration with local partners, the Commissioner has worked towards maximising funding received through Safer Streets funding from the Government. So far, Devon and Cornwall have secured over £4.7 million since 2020 to invest in schemes such as CCTV, improved street lighting and town centre teams aimed at tackling antisocial behaviour, drug misuse and strengthening feelings of safety in the night-time economy. 

The Commissioner has further strengthened the provision of support services for ASB by commissioning the following interventions:  

  • ASB Youth Outreach service (£250,000 per year) to respond to ASB where there are identified areas of time of concern and preventing youth ASB from escalating to criminality via early interventions  
  • ASB Mediation Service (£30,000 per year), to reduce conflict and prevent escalation by enabling communities to access self-help tools and increasing options for conflict resolution and crime reduction.  
  • Dedicated ASB Victim Support Service (£200,000 per year) to support people affected by ASB to cope and recover.  
  • Using her Community Grant Fund scheme across Devon to support schemes aimed at addressing ASB and drug use through dedicated funding programmes run by Cornwall Community Foundation and Devon Community Foundation.  

Further details on interventions related to ASB which are funded by the Commissioner can be found in the her Commissioning Intention Plan