How the PCC carries out Scrutiny
To ensure that scrutiny activity is consistent and fair, the PCC for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly aims to uphold a number of principles when conducting scrutiny. The PCC considers that ‘good scrutiny’ must:
- Consider information objectively, and be balanced and fair
- Reflect the voice and concerns of the public
- Advocate strong ethics and integrity
- Recognise what is working well and identify areas for improvement
- Have a positive and tangible impact
- Be a positive and credible tool to drive positive change
The PCC for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly conducts scrutiny in three broad ways. Some of this is carried out directly, whilst some is delegated to the Chief Executive, office staff, volunteers, or specially convened panels
- Informal Scrutiny and Oversight (through regular meetings with the Chief Constable and force leadership)
- Quality Assurance Scrutiny (checking that police processes and procedures are being carried out properly and appropriately)
- Thematic Scrutiny Enquiries (which may be delivered through a Scrutiny Enquiry Panel)
You can find out more detail about how the PCC carries out scrutiny in the Scrutiny Framework.