13 February 2014
Joint Audit Committee 13 February 2014
1. Declarations of Interest
2. Chairman's Business
3. Future provision of internal audit
Closed for the purposes of FOI - Section 43 (commercial interest)
4. Minutes of the last meeting
5. Risk Management
Closed for the purposes of FOI - Section 43 (commercial interest)
6. Governance Items
7. Insurance Policies and the Insurance Fund
8. Stage 2 Transfer - Draft Documentation for Transfer Agreement
9. Grant Thornton
ii) Police Transparency Review -Benchmarking Report
10. Internal Audit Items
i) Joint Internal Audit Plan
ii) Draft Internal Audit Charter
iii) Internal Audit Activity Update Report
11. HMIC Inspection Programme2014-15
12. Reports from JMB
13. Police and Crime Panel Update
The following updates will be provided to the meeting:
i) Budget Process Update
ii) Members report on the Police and Crime Panel meeting of 7 February 2014