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Tell the commissioner what you think about policing

Hearing what you think about policing where you live is an important part of Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg's role.

The team at last year's Royal Cornwall Show
The team at last year's Royal Cornwall Show

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) already has much more public contact than the old police authority ever did.

Now we want to have more contact and we want to do it better - speaking and listening to you in ways that you want us to.

We have developed this website with our colleagues at Dorset OPCC* so that we have an interactive launch pad for all our public engagement - be that digital (Twitter and Facebook), offline or face to face.

Whether you want to find out how and when you can attend a public meeting, how you can attend an event or ask the PCC question, how we commission services, how we scrutinise police performance and hold the chief constable to account, or discover what work we are doing to make your communities safer - you will find it all here.

We will use words, pictures, video and audio** to let you know everything we are doing and planning and at every stage - on every page of the website - you have got the chance to feedback and let us know what you think about what we are doing.

And the website allows us to carry out polls on matters that really matter to you.

"What I would like the public to tell me first of all is - how do you want to make contact with your local policing team," said Mr Hogg.

"In the next month myself and my team will be out and about across the peninsula asking people just that question but, just because you can't get to see us in person that doesn't mean you can't take part."

Below you can watch a video we have made about our public engagement plans. You can also listen to an audio version of the video here.

If you would like to share either the video or the audio with people you know please feel free.


*The cost of developing this website was £30,000 which has been split equally between Dorset and Devon and Cornwall OPCCs. The developers are now offering other OPCCs the chance to use the platform and, should there be further take up, it will generate revenue for Dorset and Devon and Cornwall.

**All video and audio production for this website is completed in-house and at no additional cost.